Aravella Zachariou

Head of the Unit for Education for the Environment and Sustainable Development at the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth of Cyprus
Dr Aravella Zachariou is the Head of the Unit of Education for Environment and Sustainable Development (ESD), in Cyprus Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth. During the period of 2006-208 was in Aegean University as a lecturer in EE and the period 2008-2010 was visiting Ass. Professor on EE/ESD, in Athens National KapodistrianUniversity. Since 2009 she is a Visiting Ass. Professor in EE/ESD at Frederick University. Her research involves the integration of education for environment and sustainable development in formal and non-formal education as well as in teacher education. Her research work is published in international scientific journals for Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development and also, presented in international and worldwide conferences.
She is participating in international organizations and networks for Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development (e.x. MIO, ENSI), and since 2017 she is the Chair of the UNECE ESD Steering Committee. She is the author of the book “Environmental Education and National Curriculum: Theoretical framework and Principles in Cyprus Primary Education” and Co-author of the book “Sustainable Development Issues in Education”. Aravella Zachariou participated in more than 25 projects funded by EU (Erasmus, Life etc) as a senior expert, researcher and coordinator. She is nominated as a national expert of Cyprus in the field of ESD and is representing Cyprus in international fora, technical consultation meetings and expert group meetings in the field of ESD. Recently appointed by the Minister as the Chair of the working group responsible for the revision of the ESD Curricula in all educational levels. She also led the committee for the National Strategy of ESD in Cyprus, as well as the technical committee for founding in Cyprus the Governmental Network of Environmental Education Centers.